Shut Up & Dance is the dance class for you! We started Shut Up & Dance on a whim when we discovered there was a gap for dance classes that catered to adults and taught us the dances from our favourite music videos. We're a bit silly and uncoordinated ourselves, so we know from experience (or lack of) that your first class will be a whirlwind. But once you understand how we teach, you'll become better and better and improve all aspects of your coordination. Our classes are a rubix cube for your body.

UM... I'M UNCOORDINATED AF. + This isn't a question, rather a statement/concern that we hear on a daily basis from our customers, which goes to show that we all feel the same about our dancing abilities! If this is you, know that there is an entire community of people with two left feet, who *can't wait *to meet and dance with you.


The people who enjoy our classes range from their mid 20s to their late 50s and beyond, to people who have had previous dance experience, and there are others who are totally uncoordinated - and proud of it!  It's a fun, casual class at its heart, so it doesn't matter what ability you are. What ability does matter, is how much you can let go of your inhibitions…

We do have kids classes, too. Check out the courses section of our booking page.

### WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? + Wear whatever you feel comfortable exercising and sweating in! Most people tend to wear cross-trainers and gym gear. And don't forget your water bottle.
### CAN I PAY AS I GO? + We totally get it. You're busy, you've got other Tinder matches, "it's me, not you" etc. Keep it casual and pay as you go with $23 sessions. If you'd like to commit, we have a range of credit packs that you can purchase [here][2] or on the app. No matter what - you'll still need to [book][3].
### DO YOU HAVE AN INTRO OFFER? + Take advantage of the 2 for $30 pass! Consider it a first date (or two) with us to see if we're a good fit for each other.
### I CAN'T COME EVERY WEEK. WILL THAT MATTER? + Not at all. Each week is always different routine! That means if you miss a class or multiple classes, you’ll never be ‘behind’ on learning any choreo, because the following week will be a different routine, a different vibe, and probably a different decade. 

If you miss a class, it's never a big deal – you’ll just have FOMO!

### HOW DOES THE WAITLIST WORK? + If the class you're trying to book for is full, there will be an option to add yourself to the waitlist. When a spot in that class becomes available, the first person on the list will be notified and automatically booked into the class. It's your responsibility to manage your schedule and keep an eye on those notifications!

Please note: You'll need to have email confirmations/reminders and/or push notifications actually turned on via your device settings. If you don't want emails or notifications, you'll need to check the app or login to your account via the website regularly to view the waitlist status.


Whether you use the app or our website, log in to view your upcoming schedule, and hit cancel six hours or more before the class start time. Your session will be returned to your account and someone on the waitlist will be offered your space in the class.

If you cancel with fewer than 6 x hours before the class start time, your credit will be absorbed (and not returned) as though you attended the class. The same applies if you do not cancel and do not show (because your spot could have been taken by somebody else).

### CAN GUYS COME? + Yes. Anyone (18+) can come! If you're wanting to give Shut Up & Dance a go but are a bit nervous, do yourself a favour and bring a friend with you!
### IS THIS CLASS SUITABLE FOR OLDER PEOPLE? + Yes. We have people from 18 - 70 attending our classes. However, Shut Up & Dance classes are 45 minutes of non-stop high-intensity fitness, so it's also not a walk in the park. Stop for water breaks whenever you want to, and take the modifications offered throughout the class as you go.

Every class is different, so some can be jumpier or harder on the knees than others. If you are concerned about your fitness levels, just ensure you arrive with enough time to chat with our awesome instructors who will be able to provide modifications where possible.

### CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT ROUTINE WE'LL BE LEARNING? + Nope! We like to keep things surprising. If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook, you might come across hints every now and then. But generally, keeping things on the down-low is all part of the fun.
### WHAT STYLE OF DANCE DO YOU TEACH? + Our style is anything and everything from awkward to sassy to old school to cheesy musical to hip hop to contemporary – and it depends on the day.

Because we teach routines from films, music videos and musicals, each class is a different vibe and style. We include a variety of music from the 70's to today, so as much as we’d love to be able to put ourselves in a box, it’s a little hard to when you could be learning anything from Napolean Dynamite’s performance, to Beyoncé’s Single Ladies, a bit of Grease Lightning, or Dirty Dancing! Or Mamma Mia. Or Justin Bieber’s Sorry. Ok ok… We’ll stop now.

### WHY CAN'T MY DAUGHTER/PARTNER/DOG WATCH THE CLASS? + Remember that time you were blaring "Backstreet's Back (Alright!)," lolling around on your bed with a hairbrush in hand when your dad opened the door to see what all the racket was about?  We want to avoid that situation.
### WILL YOU OFFER CLASSES IN MY TOWN/SUBURB/REGION? + We are so excited to bring Shut Up & Dance to your community!  At this stage, we are exclusively Wellington based. We would love to expand to other main cities very soon. If you know of an area that is crying out for our classes, please [get in touch][4] and we'll see what we can do.
### DO YOU TEACH PRIVATE CLASSES? + Yes - we do take group bookings for birthdays, work functions, corporate classes and Hens/Stag Dos (we smell a dance-off!). You can choose a 15 minute, 30 minute or 45 minute class. Head to our [private bookings page][5] for more information and to make an enquiry.

PS: If you're looking for a low-key dance experience with your betrothed, we're planning some open couples classes in the spring/summer of 2021/2022! So keep an eye out on our socials and website – spots will be limited.

### DO YOU TEACH ON PUBLIC HOLIDAYS? + Nope! Most of our classes run each week of the year, excluding on days that fall on public holidays, over the Easter Weekend and for a couple of weeks during the Christmas holidays. You might notice that some classes run only for 6 or 10 x week blocks – these will also always skip public holiday dates. You can view our dance class timetable if you’re unsure - that’s always accurate!
### I'M HAVING TROUBLE BOOKING. HALP! + Firstly, you must have a Glofox account, loaded with a valid credit card. If you see an error message that says "you have not attended classes you have booked" it will be due to an outstanding payment on your account – so please get in touch with us to resolve it.

Check out our short and easy booking tutorials here. If you still happen to encounter technical pickles, contact us and we'll sort you out.

### TELL ME ABOUT YOUR PRIVACY POLICY & COOKIES... + We use cookies to help us track visits to our website, personalise content and tailor and measure Facebook adverts. We do not store personal details or share your information with third parties. You can set your browser to ask your permission before accepting cookies and only accept them from websites you trust, or block them entirely or automagically delete your cookies after browsing.

We are the bakers and consumers of the cookies. They don’t contain chocolate chips and unfortunately you cannot eat them.

To learn more about behavioral advertising and your options with these practices, we encourage that you visit Network Advertising, Data Logix, or About Ads.

### HOW DO I REDEEM A GIFT CARD? + Ooh! You've purchased or received a gift card online. Epic! Redeem by reaching out to us with a photo of the gift card and code and we'll pop the amount on your account.
### WHAT IS YOUR HEALTH & SAFETY/COVID-19 POLICY? + 1. While masks are no longer mandatory, safety is still sexy in our books so we ask though that you either wear your mask before & after the class OR give fellow dancers & our instructors plenty of space when chatting. 2. If you met us after Covid, you may have never experienced the post-class *high five* as you leave. Now that the traffic light system has been retired, the *high five* can technically return! However, we know that everyones' comfort levels around contact is TOTALLY different these days; whether it's our instructors or yours. SO! If in doubt, follow your instructor's lead or [watch our recent reel][8] 3. Doors will be open 10 minutes before the class starts. Please feel free to [reach out][9] with any questions.